Board of Education Regular Meeting
May 12, 2014 7:00 PM
Hayes Center High School

I. Call to Order – President Richards called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
in the Board room at the High School. Notice of this meeting was given in
advance to all board members.
I.A. Roll Call - Present Board Members: Joe Anderjaska, Connie Brott, Britt
Hill, Amanda Johnson, Marian Richards and Bob Rosno. Superintendent Ron Howard
was also in attendance.
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance – President Richards led the Pledge of Allegiance.
I.C. Recognition of Visitors - Visitors were invited to sign in to speak to the
I.D. Recognition of Open Meetings Act poster – President Richards advised all in
attendance of the Open Meetings Act poster, which was displayed on the wall in
the Board room.
I.E. Adoption of Agenda – Motion Passed: Motion to approve the Agenda as
presented passed with a motion by Bob Rosno and a second by Amanda Johnson.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
II. Audience Communications - Patty Gohl presented questions to the board
concerning the Special meeting on May 2nd.
III. Services Report
III.A. Reports from Buildings/Maintenance/Transportation Committee - Bob and Joe
questioned the repair of old boiler. Maury explained that the old boiler is made
better and can be welded on where a new boiler will be more costly to repair.
Committee recommendations for repair/summer projects:
HS boiler, HS gym and band room doors, HS office carpet, doublewide teacherage
windows/bathrooms, Septic leach field at bus barn(2-1 vote), refinish picnic
tables in HS, replace well mats, 2 servers and battery pack. Total-$97,500.
Recommend waiting on football field fence, Ag/elementary bathroom tile, Ag roof,
lights in old high school gym, yellow house bathroom (vote 1-2), Suburban, car
IV. Board Member/Committee Reports - President Richards spoke with Marcia
Herring about the next step for the Community Engagement. We will have a
committee conference call with Marcia Herring and then set the date for the next
public session.
V. Administrative Report
V.A. Update from Activities Director - Mr. Polk provided a written report to the
board on student activities and also an update on the senior graduates.
V.B. Summer School report – 18 students have been recommended for the summer
school program. Also, we will participate in the migrant school program which is
the end of May to the first of June.
V.C. Kindergarten Roundup report
V.D. Graduation report – Graduation went very well with a good representation by
the graduates. Matt Blomstedt, the NE Commissioner of Education was our speaker
and did a very nice job.
V.E. Title I review – Mrs. Pruter and Ms. Peter were well prepared for our
review. We passed all requirements and received a positive report.
VI. Action Items

VI.A. Consent Agenda - Motion Passed: Motion to approve the consent agenda,
items VI.A.1-VI.A.9, as presented, passed with a motion by Joe Anderjaska and a
second by Connie Brott.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
VI.A.1. Approve April 14, 2014 Regular Meeting minutes
VI.A.2. Approve May 2, 2014 Special Meeting Minutes
VI.A.3. Approve April 2014 Bank Transfers
VI.A.4. Approve Hot Lunch Fund claims for $2,441.85
VI.A.5. Approve April Activity Fund claims for $5,558.35
VI.A.6. Approve April Petty Cash claims for $2,079.60
VI.A.7. Approve May General Fund claims for $187,617.09
(Payroll $149,533.08 Claims - $38,084.01)
VI.A.8. Approve Depreciation Fund claim of $10,900.00
VI.A.9. Approve Financial Reports of the District
VI.B. Approval of Capital projects - Motion Passed: Motion to approve the
summer projects recommended by committee, other then the sewer. Mr. Howard will
visit with the town board first. Motion by Bob Rosno and a second by Amanda
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
VI.C. Approve the bid for the HS boiler repair - Motion Passed: Motion to
approve the bids for the repairs to the HS boiler, using the Qualified Capital
Purpose Fund passed with a motion by Bob Rosno and a second by Joe Anderjaska.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
VI.D. Junior High Football - Motion Passed: Motion to approve the Junior High
boys participating with Wallace Junior High boys in football for 2014-15 school
year passed with a motion by Amanda Johnson and a second by Connie Brott.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno No
VI.E. Approve the sale of obsolete equipment - Motion Passed: Motion to approve
the sale of obsolete textbooks passed with a motion by Bob Rosno and a second by
Connie Brott.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes

VI.F. Approve Board policy section 4000 - 2nd reading - Motion Passed: Motion
to approve the 2nd reading of Board policy section 4000 with corrections to
#4030.9, the HAL policy, by striking the Cracker Jack program if no longer in
existence, passed with a motion by Bob Rosno and a second by Joe Anderjaska.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
VI.G. Approve Board policy sections 5000 - 1st reading - Motion Passed: Motion
to approve the 1st reading of Board policy section 5000. On 5020.45, change
wording to “following are the specifics of the plan.” Policy 5010.3 on the
school calendar needs to match policy 2022. Motion passed with a motion by
Amanda Johnson and a second by Bob Rosno.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes
VII. Discussion
VIII. Information Only
VIII.A. Update on Classified Staff positions for 2014-15 – Mr. Howard provided
an update on new classified staff hired, and changes in positions.
VIII.B. Information on the proposed Incentive plan for Classified Staff – Mr.
Howard gave an update on the process of developing an incentive plan for
classified staff.
VIII.C. Course Schedule for 14-15 – A copy was provided to the board.
IX. Correspondence - Thank you – The board received cards of thanks from the
elementary students and teachers for the field day t-shirts, and also thank
you’s from some staff members for their staff appreciation shirts.
X. Future Agenda Items/Other
X.A. Discussion on Academic Strategic Plan
X.B. Review Board policy section 6000 and 7000
X.C. Approve Handbooks for 2014-15
X.D. Set Lunch and Breakfast prices for 2014-15
X.E. Set Substitute Teacher rate for 2014-15
XI. Next Meeting - The next regular board meeting is scheduled for June 9, 2014.
XII. Adjournment - Motion Passed: Motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
passed with a motion by Connie Brott and a second by Marian Richards.
Joe Anderjaska Yes
Connie Brott Yes
Britt Hill Yes
Amanda Johnson Yes
Marian Richards Yes
Bob Rosno Yes




